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Photo Description Price
Starter-nut Starter nut.

Starter nut for Renault 16.
per piece

Starter-protecting-cap Starter protecting cap.

Starter protecting cap for Renault 16. Part number: 7700506379. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Starter-(revised)-(excl:-100-euro-in-exchange) Starter (revised) (excl: 100 euro in exchange).

Starter for Renault 16. Part number: 7700633549. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book. (excl: 100 euro in exchange).
per piece

Starter-part-Bendix Starter part Bendix.

Starter part Bendix for Renault 16. Part number: 0855740000. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Fuse-block Fuse block.

Fuse block for Renault 16. Part number: 7700502417. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Electromachnetic-control-central-door-locking-system Electromachnetic control central door locking system.

Electromachnetic control central door locking from Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700613347. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Knob-central-door-locking-system-R16-TX Knob central door-locking system R16 TX.

Knob central door-locking system from Renault 16 TX. Part number: 7700548837. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Electromagnetic-switch-central-door-locking-system-R16-TX Electromagnetic switch central door-locking system R16 TX.

Electromagnetic switch for the central door-locking system from Renault 16 TX, type 1. Part number: 7700547431. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Electromagnetic-switch-central-door-locking-system Electromagnetic switch central door-locking system.

Electromagnetic switch for the central door-locking system from Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700588691. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Junction-box Junction box.

Junction box for Renault 16. Part number: 7700521326. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Fuse-box Fuse box.

Fuse box for Renault 16. Part number: 7701365041. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Fuse-box Fuse box.

Fuse box for Renault 16. Part number: 7701365041. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Radiator-cooling-fan-relay-(New-Old-Stock) Radiator cooling fan relay (New Old Stock).

Radiator cooling fan relay for Renault 12-15-16-17 Alpine. Part number: 7700510271. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Relay-(New-Old-Stock) Relay (New Old Stock).

Relay for Renault 16. Part number: 0855836000. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Fuse-box Fuse box.

Fuse box for Renault 16. Part number: 7700524933. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Fuse-cover Fuse cover.

Fuse cover for Renault 16. Part number: 7700548485. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Electrical-connection-link-(fuse)--R4-R8-R10-R16 Electrical connection link (fuse) R4, R8, R10, R16.

Electrical connection link (fuse) for Renault 16, R4, R8, R10. Part number: 7700502746. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Heater-tap-knob-cover Heater tap knob cover.

Heater tap knob cover for Renault 16. Part number: 0857688000. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Heater-tap-screw Heater tap screw.

Heater tap screw for Renault 16. Part number: 0556228700. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Heater-tap Heater tap.

Heater tap for Renault 16. Part number: 7700552626. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Heater-fan-propeller-screw Heater fan propeller screw.

Heater fan propeller screw for Renault 16, Alpine. Part number: 7701003398. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Motor-(Rabotti)-heater-fan-R16-type-1 Motor (Rabotti) heater fan R16 type 1.

Motor (Rabotti) heater fan for Renault 16 (type 1), Alpine. Part number: 7701201158. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Motor-(Rabotti)-heater-fan-R16-type-2 Motor (Rabotti) heater fan R16 type 2.

Motor (Rabotti) heater fan for Renault 16 (type 2), Alpine. Part number: 0870459500. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Motor-(Rabotti)-heater-fan-R16-type-2 Motor (Rabotti) heater fan R16 type 2.

Motor (Rabotti) heater fan for Renault 16 (type 2), Alpine. Part number: 0870459500. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Heater-fan-propeller Heater fan propeller.

Heater fan propeller for Renault 16, Alpine. Part number: 7701003397. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Heater-fan-(used) Heater fan (used).

Heater fan (used) for Renault 16. Part number: 7700586206. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Switch-for-reversing-lamp Switch for reversing lamp.

Switch for reversing lamp for Renault 16. Part number: 7700501280. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per unit

Third-brake-light-set Third brake light set.

Third brake light set for Renault, all types.
per unit

Stoplight-switch-with-bracket Stoplight switch with bracket.

Stoplight switch with bracket for Renault 16. Part number: 7700502419. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Stoplight-switch-R16-L-TL Stoplight switch R16 L-TL.

Stoplight switch for Renault 16 L-TL. Part number: 0855615200. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Stoplight-switch-R4-R5-R16 Stoplight switch R4-R5-R16.

Stoplight switch for Renault 16, R4, R5. Part number: 7700511899. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Temperature-sensor-R16-L-TL Temperature sensor R16 L-TL.

Temperature sensor for Renault 16 L-TL. Part number: 0855268000. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book. Engine type: 697-821.
per piece

Temperature-sensor-R16-TS-TX Temperature sensor R16 TS-TX.

Temperature sensor for Renault 16 TS-TX (1151-1154-1156). Part number: 7700643731. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Thermostat-cooling-fan-(degree-range-Celsius-88-74) Thermostat cooling fan (degree range Celsius 88-74).

Thermostat cooling fan (degree range Celsius 88-74) for Renault 16. Part number: 7700564467. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Thermostat-cooling-fan-(degree-range-Celsius-92-82) Thermostat cooling fan (degree range Celsius 92-82).

Thermostat cooling fan (degree range Celsius (92-82) for Renault 16. Part number: 7700564467. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Oil-pressure-switch Oil pressure switch.

Oil pressure switch for Renault 16, R4, R5. Part number: 7701348032. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per unit

Horn Horn.

Horn for Renault 16. Part number: 0855422100. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Indicator-light-relay Indicator light relay.

Indicator light relay for Renault 16. Part number: 7701348734. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Indicator-light-switch-(used) Indicator light switch (used).

Indicator light switch for Renault 16. Part number: 7700632293. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Indicator-light-switch-(used) Indicator light switch (used).

Indicator light switch for Renault 16 (used). Part number: 7700632293. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Indicator-light-switch-R16-L-TS-(used) Indicator light switch R16 L-TS (used).

Indicator light switch for Renault 16 L-TS. Part number: 7700518285. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Panel-control-switch Panel-control switch.

Panel-control switch for Renault 16. Part number: 7700520677. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Speedometer-cable-R16-L-TL Speedometer cable R16 L-TL.

Speedometer cable for Renault 16 L-TL. Part number: 0855877000. Click picture for images from the P.R. book.
per unit

Battery-clamp-(negative) Battery clamp (negative).

Battery clamp (negative) for Renault 16.
per piece

Battery-clamp-(positive) Battery clamp (positive).

Battery clamp (positive) for Renault 16.
per piece

Battery-terminal-(negative) Battery terminal (negative).

Battery terminal (negative) for Renault 16.
per piece

Battery-terminal-(positive) Battery terminal (positive).

Battery terminal (positive) for Renault 16.
per piece

Battery-holder-and-washer-reservoir-holder-R16-TS-TL- Battery holder and washer reservoir holder R16 TS-TL .

Battery holder and washer reservoir holder for Renault 16 TS-TL
per set

Battery-secure-set Battery secure set.

Battery secure set for Renault 16.
per set

Voltage-regulator Voltage regulator.

Voltage regulator for Renault 16. Part number: 7701348281. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per set

Battery-secure-set Battery secure set.

Battery secure set for Renault 16.
per set

Cable-clamp-(185-mm) Cable clamp (18,5 mm).

Cable clamp (18,5 mm) for Renault 16. Part number: 7703079072. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cable-clamp-(1450-mm) Cable clamp (14,50 mm).

Cable clamp (14,50 mm) for Renault 16. Part number: 7703079071. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Speedometer-cable-Renault-16-TX Speedometer cable Renault 16 TX.

Speedometer cable for Renault 16 TX. Part number: 7700528671. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Suppression-switch Suppression switch.

Suppression switch for Renault (Renault Boutique). Part number: 7701396306.
per unit

Support-plate-speedometer-cable Support plate speedometer cable.

Support plate speedometer cable for Renault 16. Part number: 7700527020. Clickon the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Speedometer-cable-guide-on-carburetor Speedometer cable guide on carburetor.

Speedometer cable guide on carburetor for Renault 16.
per unit

Speedometer-cable-guide-on-carburetor-(with-mounting-bracket) Speedometer cable guide on carburetor (with mounting bracket).

Speedometer cable guide on carburetor (with mounting bracket) for Renault 16.
per unit

Suppression-switch Suppression switch.

Suppression switch for Renault (Renault Boutique). Part number: 7701349402.
per unit

Connecting-piece Connecting piece.

Connecting piece for Renault 16. Part number: 0854531300.
per piece

Windshield-wiper-(1-speed)-suppression-switch Windshield wiper (1 speed) suppression switch.

Windshield wiper (1 speed) suppression switch for Renault (Renault Boutique). Part number: 7701394404.
per unit

Windshield-wiper-(2-speeds)-suppression-switch Windshield wiper (2 speeds) suppression switch.

Windshield wiper (2 speeds) suppression switch for Renault (Renault Boutique). Part number: 7701349405.
per unit

Handbrake-switch Handbrake switch.

Handbrake switch for Renault 16. Part number: 6000046737-7700652153-7702128812. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per unit

Brake-fluid-level-sensor Brake fluid level sensor.

Brake fluid level sensor for Renault 16. Part number: 7701021926. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per unit

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