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Photo Description Price
Cylinder-head-R16-1150-1152-(revised-excl:-300-euro-in-exchange) Cylinder head R16 1150-1152 (revised, excl: 300 euro in exchange).

Cylinder head for Renault 16 1150-1152, incl valves (revised, excl: 300 euro in exchange). Part number: 0996050800, 7701450481. The return cylinder head must be overhaulable. Click on the photo for pi
per piece

Cylinder-head-R16-1150-1152-(New-Old-Stock) Cylinder head R16 1150-1152 (New Old Stock).

Cylinder head for Renault 16 1150-1152. Part number: 0996050800, 7701450481. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cylinder-head-R16-TS-(revised-excl:-300-euro-in-exchange)) Cylinder head R16 TS (revised, excl: 300 euro in exchange)).

Cylinder head for Renault 16 TS, incl valves (revised). Part number: 7701459642. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book. The return cylinder head must be overhaulable.
per piece

Cylinder-head-R16-TX-(revised-excl:-300-euro-in-exchange) Cylinder head R16 TX (revised, excl: 300 euro in exchange).

Cylinder head for Renault 16 TX, incl valves (revised, excl: 300 euro in exchange. Part number: 7701459642. The return cylinder head must be overhaulable.
per piece

Rocker-shaft-R16-L-TL--(used)- Rocker shaft R16 L-TL (used) .

Rocker shaft for Renault 16 L-TL . Part number: 7700644085-0854552400-0982701700. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Rocker-shaft-R16-TS-TX-(used)- Rocker shaft R16 TS-TX (used) .

Rocker shaft for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700660445. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Rocker-shaft-support-R16-TS-TX-(without-bore-hole) Rocker shaft support R16 TS-TX (without bore hole).

Rocker shaft support R16 TS-TX (without bore hole). Part number: 7701450291. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Rocker-shaft-support-R16-TS-TX-(with-bore-hole) Rocker shaft support R16 TS-TX (with bore hole).

Rocker shaft support R16 TS-TX (with bore hole). Part number: 7701450290. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Rocker-shaft-support-R16-L-TL Rocker shaft support R16 L-TL.

Rocker shaft support for Renault 16 L-TL. Part number: 0556261900. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Inlet-valve-(40mm-1107mm-802mm) Inlet valve (40mm-110,7mm-8,02mm).

Inlet valve, suitable for Renault 16 TS + TX (1565cc + 1647cc), starting from year of construction 1973. R15TS (1565cc), starting from year of construction 1973. R17TL + TS (1565+1647cc).
per piece

Inlet-valve-(35mm-1029mm-8mm) Inlet valve (35mm-102,9mm-8mm).

Inlet valve, suitable for Renault 16. Diameter: 35mm. Length: 102,90mm. Shank: 8mm. Part number: 7701458189. This valve has a higher notch than:,7701458189?Lng
per piece

Inlet-valve-(35mm-1029mm-8mm) Inlet valve (35mm-102,9mm-8mm).

Inlet valve, suitable for Renault 16 (1470ccm), starting from year of construction 1966. R16L + TL (1565ccm), starting from year of construction 1978. Diameter: 35mm. Length: 102,90mm. Shank: 8mm.
per piece

Outlet-valve-R16-TS-(3-notches) Outlet valve R16 TS (3 notches).

Outlet valve for Renault 16 TS (3 notches). Part number: 0833196200. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book. (35,4mm-110,7mm-8mm)
per piece

Outlet-valve-(354mm-1107mm-8mm)-1-notch Outlet valve (35,4mm-110,7mm-8mm) 1 notch.

Outlet valve, suitable for Renault 16TS + TX (1565cc + 1647cc), starting from year of construction 1973. R15TS (1565cc), starting from year of construction 1973. R17TL + TS (1565+1647cc) >1973.
per piece

Exhaust-valve-(313mm-103mm-8mm) Exhaust valve (31,3mm-103mm-8mm).

Exhaust valve, suitable for Renault 16 (1470ccm), starting from year of construction 1966. R16L + TL (1565ccm), starting from year of construction 1978. Diameter: 31,3mm. Length: 103mm. Shank: 8mm.
per piece

Valve-collet-(2-pieces)-R14 Valve collet (2 pieces) R14.

Valve collet for Renault 14. Part number: 7701349125. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per 2 pieces

Valve-collet-(2-pieces)-R1150-1152-1153-1155-1157 Valve collet (2 pieces) R1150-1152-1153-1155-1157.

Valve collet for Renault 16 1150-1152-1153-1155-1157. Part number: 0855506400. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per 2 pieces

Valve-collet-(2-pieces) Valve collet (2 pieces)

Valve collet for Renault 16. Suitable for inlet valve 7701458187/ 7701458189 and outlet valve 7701458192. Part number: 7812079000. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per 2 pieces

Valve-guide-13.25mm-49mm Valve guide 13.25mm-49mm.

Valve guide 13.25mm-49mm for Renault 16. Part number: 0710942600. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Retainer-spring-ring Retainer spring ring.

Retainer spring ring for Renault 16. Part number: 0608420800. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Retainer-spring-ring Retainer spring ring.

Retainer spring ring for Renault 16. Part number: 0608420700. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-guide-13.10mm-49mm Valve guide 13.10mm-49mm.

Valve guide 13.10mm-49mm for Renault 16. Part number: 0710942500. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-tappet-R16-L-TL-GLS Valve tappet R16 L-TL-GLS

Valve tappet for Renault 16 L-TL-GLS. Part number: 0608057600. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-tappet-R16-TS-TX-(short-version) Valve tappet R16 TS-TX (short version)

Valve tappet for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 0608424200. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-tappet-R16-TS-TX-(long-version) Valve tappet R16 TS-TX (long version)

Valve tappet for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 0608424300. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-tappet-12mm Valve tappet 12mm.

Valve tappet for all 697,807,821,841,843 and 845 engines. Part number: 7700640248,0556057900,7700616921. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Valve-stem-nut-and-bolt Valve stem nut and bolt.

Valve stem nut and bolt for Renault 16. Part number: 7703032064-0608137600. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per set

Oil-cap Oil cap.

Oil cap for Renault 16. Part number: 7700506306. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Oil-cap Oil cap.

Oil cap for Renault 16. Part number: 7700506306. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Oil-cap Oil cap

Oil cap for Renault 16. Part number: 7700506306. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Oil-cap-seal Oil cap seal.

Oil cap seal for Renault 16. Part number: 0608509900. Click on the picture for images from the P.R. book.
per piece

Seals-for-the-spark-plug-tube-(under-the-valve-cap) Seals for the spark plug tube (under the valve cap)

Seals for the spark plug tube (under the valve cap) for Renault 16, R12, R15, R17, R18 Break, Alpine 110-310. Part number: 7826004000. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per set

Water-pipe-cylinder-head-R16-TS-TX Water pipe cylinder head R16 TS-TX.

Water pipe cylinder head for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700530835. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cylinder-head-bolt-195-mm-R16-TS-TX Cylinder head bolt, 195 mm R16 TS-TX.

Cylinder head bolt, 195 mm, for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700511729-0608509900. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cylinder-head-bolt-215-mm-R16-TS-TX Cylinder head bolt, 215 mm R16 TS-TX.

Cylinder head bolt, 215 mm, for Renault 16 TS-TX. Part number: 7700511728-7903056040. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cylinder-head-bolt-R16-L-TL-154-mm Cylinder head bolt R16 L-TL ,154 mm.

Cylinder head bolt ,154 mm, for Renault 16 L (1150)-TL. Part number: 0706340600. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Cylinder-head-bolt-R16-L-TL-137-mm Cylinder head bolt R16 L-TL ,137 mm.

Cylinder head bolt ,137 mm, for Renault 16 L (1150)- TL. Part number: 0706340500. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-12-mm Freeze plug 12 mm.

Freeze plug 12 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 7703075039, 085455240. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-16-mm Freeze plug 16 mm.

Freeze plug 16 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 7703075041-0854552500. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-18-mm Freeze plug 18 mm.

Freeze plug 18 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 7703075018, 0854552600. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-28-mm Freeze plug 28 mm.

Freeze plug 28 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 0855505700. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-25-mm Freeze plug 25 mm.

Freeze plug 25 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 7703075015. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

Freeze-plug-63-mm Freeze plug 63 mm.

Freeze plug 63 mm for Renault 16. Part number: 7700559223, 7703075046. Click on the photo for pictures from the P.R. book.
per piece

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